Please excuse this blog for a moment. As you have probably been able
to tell lately I've had some things that have been requiring a change in the
I've been secretly struggling with it for some time. Trying to decided
what needs to be done and the best way of fitting everyone and
everything into the priority schedule that is me. After taking on way
way too much I decided in the last couple of weeks that it isn't gonna
be that way anymore.
So I made an early New Year's resolution. My resolution is to make
the next year of my life focused on my goals and bucket list. I'm not
totally sure what all that truly means yet, but I'm guessing it will have
some big implications in the lives of people around me.
First step was to deactivate Facebook. I find myself reaching out to
people, being friendly, commenting on their stuff, letting people know
that someone pays attention. Yet I get very very little of that in return.
So until I figure out how to treat Facebook and the people on it in a
way that doesn't monopolize my life I will not be using it.
Next step I am taking is that I am going to start blogging more. I have
set a goal of at least one new post a week. Maybe just an update on
how the world seems to be going for me, but at the very least it will
be a weekly post, maybe more depending on the inspiration of it.
As far as everything else I am working out plans for that. I have already
made some decisions that will change our lives. I'll start posting about
those things and choices in time. Right now I have to figure out how to
say it.
So the changed priorities will have some good and some bad. I know
that it will be both for me and I am finally ready at 30 to take on that
challenge and get what I want out of life. I guess people will have two
choices either they can accept the change and stay in my life or they
can have a problem with it and then be left behind because one thing
is for certain this train is about to leave the station with a new schedule
and you are either on board or left at the station....