Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Decolbie Esco Memorial Golf Outing

DeColbie Esco Memorial Golf Outing

Friday May 24, 2013
Stonebridge Golf Club, Monroe, North Carolina * 3500 Doster Road Monroe, NC 28112

In loving memory of former Wingate University football player DeColbie Esco.

Proceeds to benefit One Hope United and Centralina Youth Council.

“My life is only one story of the saga of inner-city living. Athletics and after school programs positively taught me lessons about myself, about respect, and about work ethic.”

DeColbie overcame the obstacles of growing up in urban Chicago and became a college athlete and a graduate of Wingate University. Tragically, DeColbie was killed as a result of gang violence in Chicago in August of 2012. He was employed as a teacher at One Hope United, an after-school program in Chicago which aims to protect children and strengthen families. In 2012, It has been estimated that 77 percent of the over 400 murders in Chicago this year have been related to gang activity. Here in North Carolina, there are an estimated 19,000 gang members with an average age of 15. The purpose of this outing is to raise money and awareness for these charitable organizations that look to combat this violence every day.

Join his former Wingate teammates and the community on Friday the 24th, a day after DeColbie’s birthday, to celebrate in loving memory his life and to benefit the One Hope United Organization and the Centralina Youth Council in an effort to protect our youth.

$80 per person/ $280 per foursome (Includes cart & green fees, lunch, drink tickets and dinner.)

 Send check or money orders made payable to KMG Events to 441 Vine Street Suite 3600 Cincinnati, OH 45202
  Non-golfers… If you are not a golfer but would still like to come and show your support, an “entry ticket” for $30 is available that includes access to the tent area where we will have raffles and prizes, as well as dinner and two drink tickets. To sign up, send this in with your name below and a check to KMG Events for $30. Thanks for your support!
Entry ticket only (no golf) - $30

Hole Sponsorships available for $150 * Cart Sponsorships available for $50 * Scoreboard Sponsorships available for $25 * Contact me for more information!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Moving forward

It's that time of year, the time of year that we football wives fear.
It's firing season...the time of year that schools make changes
to the football programs.If you spend any amount of time in this world
 you will more than likely go through the experience. As a wife we
 face a new challenge in this role we take on.

For many wives, football wives in particular we are our coach's
biggest supporter. We listen to countless hours of recruiting,
and game planning. We fully commit ourselves to this program.
Our children grow up saying things like "Let's Go _____(Insert Mascot).

We explain to ourselves that our husband's absence is due to
his commitment to the program, his love of this school and his
desire to do what it takes. Every single away game, week spent
on the road recruiting and late dinner is explained as doing what
it takes....then one day it is all over.

You may feel angry, betrayed, and more often than not sad. We
try to hide our feelings, in an effort to support Coach, who we know
is now more stressed than he'll ever admit. We start doing things
like focusing on packing up the house, telling him that no matter
where we go or what we do we are doing it together...

As we pack up the home, we realize that a lot of our life goes
with it. For many of us it isn't just changing jobs, see most
coaches don't find a job in the same town they live in. So we
pack up our lives, preparing to be in a new town, away from
those friends we've made in the amount of time that we lived
in the place that we did.

Now the thing about those of us that have been through it before,
we know what it is like and if we are on a staff that has a new family
coming in we do everything we can to make them comfortable. We
fill them in on the area, the doctor's, the schools, the parks, and all
the things that someone else filled us in on..

Whenever a staff gets fired, I say a prayer for those families, knowing
how hard it is to deal with those situations. Praying that the families
find new jobs fast, that they can move easily and that the stress won't
be too much.

Take it from someone who knows, having an out of work football
coach hanging around is not something I wish on anyone. They often
struggle with the thought that they aren't good father/husbands because
they expose their families to this kind of instability. They struggle
with the fear they won't get a good job, or that they will stay in the
"one year wonder" position that keeps the family moving every year.
They say they are thinking about a different job, but everyone knows
that a coach has it in his DNA and we all know that DNA doesn't

So we cry, we feel sad, we feel angry and we pack up the boxes. We
move forward. We move forward with our lives, we move forward with
our worlds and we say goodbye. Goodbye to the school we loved for
so long, goodbye to the homes we created and goodbye to the friends
we made. We move forward and know that we will likely make new
friends, and we will love new homes and cheer passionately for new
teams because at the end of the day we are just grown up cheerleaders
and our jobs are to bring cheer to the worlds we live in...