Wednesday, December 8, 2010

My Shovel

After getting 4ft of snow this weekend in Good Old Western NY I realized what a useful tool a shovel really is. Digging yourself out of this heavy blanket of snow is a challenge not for that faint of heart. I started realizing how much problems are similar to snowstorms.  Problems can come in small "flurries", they can be small amounts and minor disturbances that can require you to take a little extra time or make a few minor changes. They can also be the proverbial "Lake Effect" kind too.  My Upstate NY friends know that the words Lake Effect Snow mean you are in for some serious accumulations. When you get those types of problems they may disrupt your life for sometime but with great amount of effort and support from friends you can dig out.

While discussing with my friend Randy how problems where like snowstorms, he told me " You know what though Liz? If you grab a shovel and get after it that snowstorm eventual eases up and before you know it, it's spring!! And Spring sure is beautiful....."

That made me think. In a way that most words of support do not. Grab your shovel? That simple phrase spoke volumes to me. Litterally it means get off your lazy bottom and do something to make it better but in the figuritve sense it meant so much more. Planning, commitment, a strong work ethic and most of all faith can be enough of a shovel for most people to get out of an avalanche of problems they may have.

The truth in life though is that sometimes we get socked with problem after problem and while we are still trying to dig out from the last issue we are getting covered by the next. In those cases many of us get overwhelmed and just quit! We walk away from things that we where so close to having finally dug out from.

During this last two year cycle I have had numerous problems showered upon me, most of them being of my own creation I do admit. At times I have been buried so much that I had to reach up just to touch rock bottom. At each of those moments I have leaned on a different shovel or a combination of them. Using faith and hope to believe that soon enough I would see the light. Planning and then committing and using a strong work ethic to get to that plan.

Often I do admit that I have had to lean on those very few people that I know have my back. Sometimes I have had to ask them for their shovels and strength in order to help too. It always amazes me how much people will do to help you out even when nothing comes back to them in return. But just like you would in the real snowstorm asking someone might be the only way you begin to dig out. The only way you begin to see the light and begin to feel the warmth. And as my dear friend said "And Spring sure is beautiful......"


  1. Love you. I really do understand about the "storms" that keep coming and we have a hard time getting out from under them. Praying for you and know that spring is coming!!!!
