Well I'm one week into this challenge. I can safely say that I have enjoyed doing this little thing. Its been funny to have a different thing to write about each day and even more fun to be a little creative with the way I answer those questions(check out day 6).
Today's challenge is a picture of someone or something that has an impact on me. This one is very easy for me. See the someone or something that has the biggest impact on me are my kids.
My children impact everything that I do. They impact where I live, what kind of car I drive, when I work, what I buy, what I watch on TV, when I shower, when I eat and where I go in this world. My children are the reason I do almost anything in the world. When I cook it usually is with a thought of what they would like to eat and what they had at school for lunch. When we go car shopping it is with the kids in mind that we purchase something big enough to hold all of them. When I plan trips it has a lot to do with the comfort of my children. When I watch TV it is with the thought of do I want the kids to see this sort of stuff.
I'm sure some of my friends are probably looking at this and thinking wow, I'm glad I don't have kids. Having children doesn't make you have to change, you do it for a reason. I changed because I look at my children and see the future of the world in them. They might be future super-star athletes, or doctors, or lawyers, or teachers, or entrepeneurs, or captains of industry.
Whenever it starts getting hard, or I get frustrated with them or what I have to do, I try to think about the parents of great people. I think about the parents of notable people like Dr. King, President Lincoln, Bill Gates, President Obama, Condeleeza Rice, Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama. These are people that grew into greatness but they arrived like the rest of us on the this planet, they arrived as a baby needing parents to care for them.
Each day I think am I do what I can to give my children the best start in life? Am I encouraging an open mind? Am I setting high moral standards? Am I encouraging a love of learning? Am I teaching them to excel? Am I teaching them about compassion and love? Am I encouraging them to help other people, even if the people don't appreciate that help? Am I teaching them about the world? All of these questions run through my mind. All of these are important things that I want to give my children. Because someone has to be great in the next generation and who's to say it isn't them!!!!!