Tuesday, March 15, 2011

To be honest

I'm borrowing this from a friends blog. Her blog had confessions. I decided to go with "To be honest" Thanks Sara for the idea!

 I'm more than a little worried about going back to college. I am very worried about it. I know that it may seem crazy because I love learning but I didn't do so well the first time and I have a major desire to succeed this time. I have 5 children and a husband this time and figuring out how to balance it all is going to be a huge challenge.

The last two years have been the most difficult years of my life. When Rashaan made the decesion to leave Cornell and more importantly college football I knew it would be hard. I had no idea just how hard it would be. It's by our stubborness to give in that Rashaan and I are stilled married.

TO BE HONEST........
I have always envyed those people who have amazing weddings and go on fantastic honeymoons. Our wedding was a wedding that was done on a small budget. It fit the needs of the wedding although it didn't really give me what my heart truly wanted. I am appreciative of the money that was spent and hate to seem ungrateful but would love to have had something nicer. We didn't get to go on a honeymoon because we couldn't afford to pay for one. It has always bothered me some that I never got that time.

It bothers me to no end when people call their pets their children. This is a pet peeve of mine. I have to bite my toungue when I hear people talking about doggie day care and playdates...Give me a break! One day I'd like to say if your pet was truly your child you wouldn't be able to leave them at home by themselves while you go to work, you'd have to feed them more than twice a day and don't even get me started on the waste of money on dog clothes...please!

I love spending time with my children and husband. I don't like doing things without them. I haven't spent a single night away from all of my children since 2003.(Except for the hospital stay for delivering them that is.) When I think about going on vacation I plan a family vacation instead of a solo vacation! I love my children and would much rather spend time with them than most anyone else on the Earth!

I actually prayer that my husband gets a job that will take him away from us more. This may seem odd to most people but Rashaan has a passion for coaching football and he's very very good at it. For those of you not familar with it trust me it is very time consuming. It requires a lot of energy and effort and I know that it would do away with weekends for the entire fall and most of the winter.

It annoys me when some parents get upset that their now teenage children don't want to spend a lot of time with them. Especially when as a child you taught them that work, or going out with friends was more important to you than spending time with them. If we teach our children that sacrifice and making due with less is important when it ensures that we can have time with our families then we teach them the value of family.

Well I could go on for hourse with lots of things I'm being honest about but I figure that this is good enough for awhile. Thanks for reading


1 comment:

  1. Ok. . .you ACTUALLY made me Laugh Out Loud with the "pets as children" comments haha!! Love it girl!
