Monday, May 9, 2011

Something old, Something new!

So its time....time for the big move! Well honestly anyone that
knows us knows that since March 2008 we have moved 6 times
this will be our 7th move!!! Needless to say I should be a pro
at all this moving stuff.

Our moves have been filled with excitement and hope, as we are
now and sadness and tears as a couple of moves in the past
have been.

It's never easy to move, for me it requires sorting out stuff and
letting go of lots of things that don't need to take up room.
You'd be surprised what you decide is nescessary and what
isn't when you move as much as we have.

Moving allows us to evaluate what is really important
to us. It allows us to let go of that shirt we haven't
worn in 10 years and to store away that little
trinket box from our friend we love so much.
It reminds us of those that really love us and
not just those that claim to care.

Moving also allows us to clean out some room for
the new experiences, and things that we can look
forward to in our next place. It allows us to
collect new things, or add to a unique
collection that we have.

For me, a person who likes to cook, I collect
recipes from the gals I meet. I also pick up the joy of trying
new things. In NC I picked up several recipes for soul
food. In Cornell I learned about wine and got a
recipe for a delicious hash brown casserole.
In WNY(my birthplace), I picked up recipes for
Chicken wing dip!

I also collect recipes for life. These ones are a little
more interesting. All the people I have met have taught me a
lot about life, love, living, dieing, and lets not forget football.

The blessing of moving allows us to free up space in
our houses and our hearts to make room for the new.
I think many of us hang on to things long past the usefullness.

We hoard things because they remind us of something special,
a special person, a special moment, a special place. It's good to have
some reminders of things. It's good to hold on to things
that we would like to pass on to people in our future.

But take it from a pro mover, your heart like your home
can only hold so many things and sometimes we have
to clean it out in order to make room for new things.

So as I move I will have two special boxes, one
I will mark with the word "Something Old". This box
will contain the things that are special to me
the jewelry from NC friends, or my Cornell sweatshirt,
my WNY photos and the special things that I have in my life
from all the places that I have been.  The second
box will say "Something New". This box will hold the
new things that I will get when I'm in my
new place.

When it comes time to move again, as I am
hoping that we will move(It'll mean something good for us). I
will look through the "something new" and transfer those
things to the "something old" box and begin the
journey anew!!!

1 comment:

  1. I love that you have a good outlook on moving. It isn't about what you are leaving behind. It is all about the adventure ahead and what you learn from the new people you will meet. Wishing you the best of luck with the move.
