Friday, July 22, 2011

My time is now!

For those of you that watch wrestling(I assume that # is low),
you will recognize the title of this blog as being from John
Cena's theme song. I don't claim to know what he is talking
about when he sings that part of the song but I can tell you
that those 4 words have struck a cord in me.

See in 2003 I gave birth to the first of 5 children. For a lot
of women this doesn't alter their lives very much but I am not
that kind of mom. I made the decision after the second child
to become a Stay at home mom. It meant less money in the
house, less time to myself, and less of an identity outside being
a wife and mother.

My decision to stay home was influenced greatly by the fact
that my entry level job would not make enough to cover the
cost of daycare for 4 kids. I also am fiercely protective of my
children. I don't trust anyone with my little ones. Since 2003 I
have not spent one whole night away from the children(well
except for the hospital stays to have the next child). I've had
several chances to let the kids stay but never felt comfortable
enough with anyone else.

Anyway long story short that lead to me putting on hold a lot
of my own plans, ideas, and goals. Being the wife of a football
coach makes it hard to have a part time job(hubby doesn't work
a normal 9-5job). This job requires a lot of commitment and a
an ability to handle being alone a lot(more on that later)

In January I made a New Year's Resolution to get started on
tackling one of my "bucket list" items. I started researching going
back to school and found that I could go to school online, get a
fully recognized SUNY degree, and pay a very low instate tuition rate.
So I enrolled in Empire State for the March term.

I decided to enroll in (4) 4 hour classes, giving me a total of 16 credit
hours for my first semester back. Why??? Well I decided to attack this
goal with a little gusto. I'm not gonna say that I didn't have times when
I started to think what the heck was I thinking, but I will say that I gave
it my all and am proud to say I accomplished a 4.0 in my first semester.

So My time is now! This is my time to start living for myself and for the
things that I want to accomplish. This is my time to love me. I've had
so many things that I have always wanted to do, and some of them will
have to wait(like that trip to Italy) but some of them I can do now. Some
of the goals I have I can start accomplishing now and I can really get
done the one thing I've always wanted to be most and that is to be an
example to my children of how dreams can be accomplished!!!!

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