Success: The accomplishment of an aim or purpose
What makes someone successful? This was something I have
been thinking about for the last couple of days. Well really every since
we had dinner with the extended family on Saturday and my MIL asked
my BIL if he felt that he was a success.
His list of accomplisments was varied and extensive. Running
marthons,being in 40 cities and 13 countries, and the list went on.
As I listened to his list of things that made him feel accomplished I
realized that if I measured against his list, including marathons,numerous
countries visited and various other things I would never be as accomplished.
But that's not the point right? We all define what makes each of us
a success. What one person sees as an success might be totally
wasted on another.
Just because 1% of the population runs a marthon doesn't make it
a goal more worthy of accomplishment than the goal to never miss
a family dinner.
Don't get me wrong now, some goals tend to have a universal appeal.
Say becoming president of the U.S. or winning the Super Bowl.
But at the same time there are tons of things that people do every
single day that are no less important...
For instance the average marriage in America last 7 years now. So
as I approach my 8th year haven't I already accomplished a goal
beyond that of the average American.
See each person decides what makes them a success. Holding down
a job in this difficult job market is a success. Being able to rebound
after a foreclosure(something I have experience with) is a success.
Many people look to others and say I'm not a success because I
don't have a house with a pool, nice cars, nice clothes and all
that. I too have been known to try to keep up with the Jones'
but lately I've realized that I am a success in my own right.
So for all of you out there. Realize that you are a success and that
you can measure your own success. What makes you a story is
your own willingness to be the best person you can be.
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