Tuesday, June 7, 2011

What I love Wednesday-Candles, Eskimo Kisses, and Quiet

That's right its time for another installment of What I'm loving Wednesday!!!
Today's contestants are Candles, Kisses and Quiet!!! It won't take a genius to
figure out why...

First up Candles. I love scented candles. Every time I walk by the Yankee
Candleshop its all I can do to not walk in there and empty my bank account.
 Most people would say they have a favorite smell..I like a lot of different types
of smells. For instance I always burn food smell candles in the kitchen, I burn
ocean or beach related ones in.....you guessed it the bathroom and I mix it up
between floral and clean smells in the living room...My favorite Yankee candle is
Storm Watch! I love the smell of this candle. The Yankee candle store says
 it smells like the Ocean Air right before the storm..I don't know about all that
 but I have always loved the smell of this candle and it is very comforting to me
when I do burn it..

Next up  Eskimo Kisses!  I remember as a kid my mom use to give me Eskimo
kisses...I always thought it was funny to rub your nose against someone else and
 I still do that with my kids today. I Eskimo kiss Coach sometimes too, although I
usually then give him a doggie kiss and he gets all freaked out about it... I don't
know what it is about rubbing your nose against someone elses...its kind of funny
that it can be so calming and reassuring to one. Whatever the reason I know that I
 hope my kids will pass on a good Eskimo kiss too!

Finally Quiet! Now come on with 5 young children you have to expect that I would
love quiet. There is never a dull moment in this house. I savor the times when I
can just sit back and hear....nothing! Well we all know not nothing...That clock in
 the kitchen, the sound of the refridgerator, the tumbling of the dryer, the sound of
 that fly,but when you have 5 children these everyday sounds get drowned out
by the talking(mostly at a level above indoor voice), or crying(mostly the 2yr old)
of the children.

Don't get it wrong. I have had times where I realize that the quiet is too quiet. The
constant and reassuring noise lets me know that all children are present and
accounted for and that they are all okay. I enjoy hearing them talk to one another
minus the fights and the talk about burping, boogers, and farts(I have 3 boys), it
is fun to hear them talk about things and use words that they heard us say...
coincidentally that is a topic for aother time... But sometimes the ability to turn off
the TV, the sound and just listen...well that's a moment that I hold dear!

Well thanks for reading this weeks update of What I love Wednesday! I hope
you guys enjoyed this one!! I know I enjoyed writing it!

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