Friday, January 4, 2013

What's Essential?

So most of you that know us know that we are moving again....
that of course is nothing new....

So I've begun the process of packing stuff up. Luckily we are
not moving for a couple of weeks yet, probably not till the end of
February, but I'm trying to decide what makes the trip and what

I am by no means a pack rat, I long ago learned to shed stuff
easily. I've tried to keep the number of things I accumulate to
a minimum, sort of keeping a list of what's essential...

As I have begun cleaning out the garage, the first of many
rooms that will be cleaned, I realize that I have 4 large lawn and
leaf trash bags full of clothes that no one wears. Somehow in the
past two years I've begun storing stuff again that might be useful.

As good as I am at not keeping stuff I still need so much help at
determining what is essential. One of the best ways I've learned to
do this is the moving method. Is this something that I want to pay to
move to a new location??? If the answer is no than it can go.. Now
don't get me wrong, sometimes I take stuff with me that someone else
would question....Sometimes I even look back and say, what was I thinking
I should not have thrown that out and vice versa...The thing is when you
start looking at things that way you realize what you place value on.

My family has more than enough stuff and I have come to realize that
we seem to have far less than most. I'm not going to get into that, another
post for another day....but I think that when you start living your life out
of boxes you realize just how essential the things that can't be packed
into boxes are and you nuture those, make them grow and build on it.

So as I continue this packing process I keep pushing forward..purging
the stuff that has slowly accumulated and making decisions about the
essentials in life. Moving forward and on....

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