Monday, April 25, 2011

30 day challenge

Okay I've discountined the 30 day challenge. Partly because I have so many other things that I
am interested in posting. I have lots of other posts that I am looking forward to doing.
Since I've started school I have run into a lot of other ideas, plus the fact that I now have the
football life to start looking at again. I am eager to blog about all kinds of things again but
I will do a couple of new weekly things....

Wednesdays- What I love Wednesday....This will be a list of something that I really love
right now. Something new, something could be anything but on Wednesdays I will
be doing this from now on.

Friday- Fill in Friday.....Every Friday I will answer one random question about something
about me. Readers can post a question if they have one or I will pull one from an everyday


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Day 25-What would I find in your bag???

What would you find in my bag??? Well that depends what bag
we are talking about, are we talking about my purse, the diaper
bag, my makeup bag or my laptop bag??? So many decisions to choose from
so I guess I'm gonna go with the one I seem to be using most
and that is my laptop bag....

Besides holding the major content of my Toshiba laptop
It looks just like this one too....It holds the power cords and a cell phone charger.
 The bag also hold two tubes of lipgloss, a pack of gum,
$1.82 in change(random I know), a pack of Klennex, my assignment book,
23 Buffalo state Pens(thanks to Rashaan), 6 highlighters(I lose these fast),
A legal size ledger pad,  a travel size pack of wipes(I use diaper wipes)
and last but not least one thick black magic marker......

Day 24-Something I'd love to learn how to do

Something I'd love to learn how to do!
This one is actually pretty easy for me. See
its something I've never actually done before and something
that I've always wanted to learn how to do, but the truth
is that I'm not sure I would have enough patience
to try to learn the game, or even enough money to spend
on learning how to do it.....What I want to learn how to
do is?????????

That's right....I want to learn how to golf!
I've always thought it would be an interesting thing
to learn but the game takes so long to play and honestly I
don't know if I could commit to spending as much time
out there as one needs to get a decent golf game going.
Maybe someday I will get my own set of clubs but until
then I'll stick to minigolf....

Monday, April 18, 2011

Day 23-Something you crave for a lot

Okay this one is way too easy!!!! Everyone that know me well
knows that I am truly, 100% in love with Chocolate!!!!
It is my one true love!!!!

I love chocolate. All kinds of chocolate. I love chocolate
cake and cupcakes. I love chocolate and peanut butter,
I love chocolate covered fruit, I love chocolate milkshakes.
I love chocolate covered coconut candies.
I love chocolate covered caramels. I  am in love with chocolate...

When I worked for Family Dollar I had the best job, I was a buyer
for candy and confections. Every single day all day long all I did
was write orders for different types of candy. I feel in love with the
Hershey rep, ususally because he could send me a huge box full of
a month's supply of chocolate...I was a girl's bestfriend during "that time of the month"

I have always wanted to go to the Hershey Spa in Hershey,PA
They have a whole menu of spa treatments that include cocoa or
fruits or other items that you would have in food items. You can spend
the whole day in the spa even if you only get one treatment. They have all the
free chocolate, fruit, water, tea and muffins you can eat there.
The whole place has nothing but Chocolate surrounding it.  The service I most
look forward to getting though would be a Whipped Cocoa Bath!!!!!
Doesn't a Whipped Cocoa bath sound like the perfect way to end
a very long day???? I think it does. Give me a whipped cocoa bath, a box
of chocolates and a glass of fresh cold iced tea and I'd be in heaven!!!!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Day 22- What makes me different?

What makes me different? I don't really often think about stuff like that. I just live my life and
try to be the person that I am...maybe that is different...I try not to live my life for or through
other people but I do care a lot about the thoughts of others

1.What makes me different? I'm a 30 yr old mother of 5 beautiful children. They are an 8 years old boy,
a 6 year old boy, a 5 year old girl, a 5 year old boy and an 18 month old girl.

2.What makes me different??? I'm a full-time college student pursuing my bachelor's degree. I wasn't ready
for school the first time I started but am very focused this time around. My major is in Healthcare management.

3. What makes me different? I have never been much of a party or bar hopping person. I prefer to stay home and chill in my comfy clothes.

4. What makes me different??  I'm a football coaches wife and even though the time that he is involved
in the job is enoromous I love that he is actually gone...shh, don't tell him that though.

5. What makes me different?? I don't have a lot of very good friends. I have a couple very close ones and my bestfriends are the ones I would lay my life down for

6. What makes me different??? My favorite author of all time is Charles Dickens. Most people are shocked
by this but I love his books and have read a good portion of them. The first Valentine's present Rock gave me was a collection of 5 of his books.

7. What makes me different??? I am addicted to unsweetened iced tea. I'm talking serious addiction now. I
drink it relgiously and actually get upset when someone brings me a glass of sweetened iced tea. Trust me it
isn't a good thing when I don't get my tea.

8.What makes me different?? I love to bake. This doesn't really make me too different but I know the recipes of several items by heart and can make homemade buttercream without measuring anything at all. I don't buy store bought cookies, always homemade and prefer fresh buttercream to store kind any day

9. What makes me different?? I dream a lot. Often I have very realistic dreams and I've recorded them
sometimes they turn out to happen to me in later times...I guess this borders on psychic ability but I just think
it is very cool.

10. What makes me different?? I remember the funeral of my grandfather when I was 3 years old. It's still
as fresh in my mind today as when I was a little girl.

11. What makes me different?? I like to sleep in cool weather. I can't sleep if it gets too hot but I can't sleep
at all unless I have a blanket over me. So for those of you that know this is a problem in the summertime.

12. What makes me different?? I don't believe that everyone has just one soul mate. I believe that everyone has a person that they love above all others but I think that one person can have more than one soul mate in their lives.

13. What makes me different?? I don't believe in true love. I think love and more importantly marriage is something that requires a tremendous amount of work and effort. It's not easy and there will be days when
you can't stand to look at one another but when you accept that I think marriage can be a truly everlasting
and joyous thing.

14. What makes me different?? I love to give people gifts. I love to surprise people and let people know
just how wonderful and special they are to me. I love doing sweet things for people and it always makes
my day when I can cheer someone up. I do however get depressed that most everyone I know doesn't
seem to be the same way...hum???

15. What makes me different??? I love to just be who I am. I try not to let the beliefs of others change that
and I am very outspoken when I believe people pick on or try to dismiss someone else as being lower class. I am very much an activist and I believe that all people deserve all, no matter if they are doing the right things or not.

Okay so there is a list of some facts that make me different. But when we sit down and look at it I am sure some of you will agree with a lot of what I said and you may actually be just like that makes me
not so different after all huh!!!

Day 21- A Picture of something that makes you happy

This is a picture of something that makes me happy. It's a painting by Claude Monet. I love this painting. Monet is my favorite painter and I think this painting is one of the most beautiful pictures that I have seen. Monet's style alway intrigued me. When you look a Monet painting up close it looks like a bunch of paint just smeared on a canvas. When you step back you can see how all those haphazard lines make a beautiful painting. This to me is a similar pattern of life. Sometimes we look at our lives up close and say what a mess this is, what a terrible situation this is. Sometimes we need to step back and see the whole picture. When we look at the whole picture
then we can see the beauty of what we have. The colors of Monet's painting are so vibrant. If you look at this
beautiful painting then you can see the number of colors that are used. The bright colors that make up the lilypads are so warm and inviting. Its almost like I'd love to step foot into this painting for a moment. At any rate whenever I need some cheering up I look at this picture and I feel a lot better!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Day 20- A picture of someplace you'd like to go and why

My place to visit of choice is Athens, Greece. Ever since I was a young girl I have
 been enchanted by the mythology behind the greek people. I've been enchanted
by the social and political experiences that they had som many thousands of years ago.
 Looking at the buildings, that still stand today I am amazed at the absolute splendor
 that still exists. The fact that within this modern city is a beautiful ancient civilzation.
 The history of the early world is contained within this area.

Looking at the buildings one can only imagine the number of people that have stood
on that very same spot and gazed in amazement at the beauty that is contained within
 the walls. Looking  around at the city below one can't help but imagine how
different it would have looked when these buildings where first made.

The wonder of Greece to me is that so much has come from this area of the world,
 so much of how we as a society work, think, learn and live comes from some very
 important steps from the Greek scholars.

I'd love for one moment to stand in front of this city, to stand on the steps of history.
 To see who the world carries on and moves forward but how these beautiful
pieces still exist and are living remindersto us all that nothing lasts forever and that
 the glory of what we achieve today may be nothing more than ruins for a future civilzation.

Some day I will get to Greece! I know I will make it...after all I think it is one more thing
 that I can add to my DGD list!!!

Day 19-Nicknames

Okay Day 19 is some nicknames I have! Well this should be interesting....

1. Beth-this one is thanks to my mom who decided that Beth was the short version she wanted to use
of my god given name (Elizabeth)

2. Liz- as I discussed in the early days this was arose out of need. My college roomate's given name
is Beth(That's not her nickname either). So we started calling me Liz, it made it a whole lot easier when
taking phone messages...

3. Lizard- This is thanks to my wonderful friend Chris(Kyra's godfather). I don't honestly know where he got it from but it makes me laugh when I hear it...

4. Mom/Mommy/Momma- Some version of this name is the one I hear most often....with 5 kids its little
wonder why that is...The funny thing is that Rashaan and I call each other Mommy and Daddy. I know
that isn't really funny but it is to me...

5. Baklava- this is Rashaan's nickname for me. It's the greek desser by the way. I don't
know as he ever had it before, although it is one of my absoulte favorite treats of all time.
 He'll say it in this really super lovey dovey manner and its enough to make me laugh....usually its more of a phrase with the word taking on a foreignaccent. Such as "My little Bakaaalaaavaaa"....

6. Bug- this is one my cousin Chelle gave me. The funny thing is that my friend Shelly also called me that when we where in high school...I think bug is cute...I like to think of lady bugs though...not ugly nasty bugs!

Here is the name that annoys me:

1. Mrs. Jordan- Unless you don't know me please don't call me that. When I hear that name I look over my shoulder for my mother in law.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Day 18-Goals and dreams...

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams"

Most anyone who knows me knows that this my favorite saying of all time. I love this
saying! Dreams, goals, desires.....these are all things that all of us have or do! All of
us have something that we want to get, do, or see. So here is a list of 15 goals or dreams
that I have that I want to do....I don't want to call it a bucket list...that is so fatalistic. Instead
I am calling it my DGD (dreams,goals,desires) list.

1. Obtain my bachelor's degree
2. Obtain my master's degree
3. Visit Italy (dang Eat, Pray, Love made me fall in love with it)
4. Plan a vow renewal for me and my husband
5. take the kids to Disney world
6. Finally go on a honeymoon(we didn't get one when we got married)
7. Take a trip to NYC with my husband
8. Visit my "momma" in Florida
9. Go on a girls only trip with my cousin Chelle
10. Buy a newer Toyota Sienna( I love my minivan)
11. Buy a dream house for my family(that might be tough if we are a football family)
12. Go to one AFCA convention (just to so I can say I went)
13.Go to hawaii
14. learn how to create incredible cupcakes
15. Visit Washington, DC with the kids

Okay I seriously could go on forever. I guess I have a lot of dreams...but that's always a good thing right because as long as you have dreams you have something to look forward to and something to try
to obtain!!!!

So as Mrs. Roosevelt said it, the future does belong to those that believe in the beauty of their dreams.
Those that are willing to look at those dreams as a goal and work toward them!!!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Rashaan's Bockport State Article

This is the article that Brockport State posted on their site when they announced the hiring of Rashaan
For all of you that know, we are all thrilled and excited to have this opportunity again. After we left
Cornell we thought we might never coach again but thankfully the lord allowed us another chance
and we are so excited for it!

When The College at Brockport was searching for a new defensive coordinator for the school's tradition-rich football team, head coach Rocco Salomone was hoping to find a candidate with a strong defensive background, plenty of coaching experience and a solid knowledge of the Western and Central New York areas.
Considering that Rashaan Jordan also possesses a familiarity with both the State University of New York system and the admissions process required for potential student-athletes, Jordan's candidacy stood out among the many candidates who applied for the defensive coordinator position.

Before coming to Brockport, Jordan served as the assistant head coach/defensive coordinator/linebackers coach for Division II's Wingate (NC) University, a position he held from 2001-2008. His last coaching position was the defensive coordinator and linebackers coach for Frewsburg High School in Frewsburg, NY.

“Being in the State University of New York system really appealed to me. I know a lot of the positives that you can use to sell the student-athletes and their parents about getting them to commit to a school like Brockport,” said Jordan, who has been a defensive coordinator since 2001.

“Secondly, what appealed to me was the history of the program. I know that we have the ability to win here right away. This isn't a starter-level or beginner-type football program. Being able to coach at a historically successful program within the SUNY system was the total package for me. We can really get Brockport football to a level where it is winning and sustaining that winning tradition.”

Salomone points to Jordan's previous defensive coordinator coaching experiences, as well as his familiarity with recruiting in the state, as two major reasons why Jordan is perfectly suited to become Brockport's latest defensive coordinator.

“Rashaan came very highly recommended and he's definitely a good fit for what we're trying to do here,” said Salomone, Brockport's winningest football coach with a 94-69-1 mark in his 15 season.

“He has established a great defensive scheme. The players will like him. Rashaan is an intense personality, but he's very positive and upbeat. He's coached at all levels, he was a star player at this level and he has valuable experience working in the admissions department at Buffalo State. We're very excited to have him on board.”

Among Jordan's many football coaching experiences, he has also served as Cornell University's linebackers coach and was the outside linebackers coach at Division I's University at Buffalo from 1999-2001.

Prior to getting into coaching, Jordan was a standout running back at Alfred University before graduating in 1994 with a Bachelor's degree in Athletic Administration. Salomone was Brockport's defensive coordinator when Jordan was starring for the Saxons.

Last year, for the first time under Salomone's watch, the Golden Eagles ditched their traditional 4-3 defensive scheme for a 3-4 system. Under Jordan's watchful eye, Salomone and the Golden Eagles plan to go back to a four-man front for the 2011 season.

Jordan said he devised his own “unique defensive system” about 10 years ago. Under his system, Jordan's teams have become efficient at stopping the run and neutralizing an offense's ability to pass the ball over the middle of the field. Jordan instead strives to force teams to run outside the tackle boxes, and have opposing offenses be relegated to passing along the sidelines instead of down the middle of the field.

“I'm not looking to be a genius, I'm looking to get the kids to play as hard, fast, physical and quick as they possibly can,” said Jordan, who said he will lean heavily on Salomone's experience and coaching success.

“My job isn't to develop a player over three years so he can become a stud during his senior year. My job is to get these kids on the field as quickly as possible and develop that player from day one. … It's not what I as a coach know, but what I can get our kids to know. I come off as a pretty effective teacher who can break down my system easily and teach our players right away.”

While Jordan is still getting to know Brockport's returning football players, he said he is trying not to learn too much about any individual player's style. Rather than rely on preconceived notions, Jordan said he wants to openly evaluate all players with a clear, unbiased eye.

“What I do know is we're a young unit, but we have talent, which is good,” Jordan said. “I like young talent.”

Brockport football spring practices began Monday. The Golden Eagles open the 2011 season on the road at 1 p.m. Sept. 3 against Ithaca College.

Day 17- Someone you'd want to switch lives with for one day

This one is pretty easy for me, since I admire this person a lot. The person I'd like to switch lives with for one day is Michelle Obama...
Why did I pick Michelle Obama? Well besides being married to a very good looking man, at least I think he is, she is a super intelligent woman. I love the fact that she worked hard, took out student loans and has made something of herself. I like that fact that she still advocates for the poor and those that need help. I love the fact that she is a huge supporter of healthier children and that she is a pretty attentive mother. I love the fact that she is into organic gardening and that she is very much in favor of play and exercise for children. Michelle Obama also seems like the type of woman that will speak her mind when she can.

I'd like to be First Lady for a day. I know how hard it can be to listen to people criticize the person you love and I would like to see how she handles it. I would love to be able to go into the White House and enjoy the beauty that surrounds me. I'd love to be able to call down to the chef and have them bring me everything that I want to eat. I'd love to go to a designer and pick out the best clothes and know that I'd probably get them for free because after all I'm the first lady.

I think it would be interesting to see how that world feels. I'd like to know that I have a law degree and that people think I'm really smart. I'd like to be recognized as someone who is taking a stand for healthier children and for more support for our military families....

But like I said at the beginning the best part would be that I'd get to be with the president and I would like to know what he's really like when all the cameras are gone and when its just him and the family. I'd like to see what kind of a person he really is.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Day 16-A baby picture

No laughing!!! This is me and my mom, dad, and brother Karl
It was taken in 1982 so my little brother Matt was not born yet.

Not much to say about this picture!

So for today just enjoy!!! Sometimes it is fun to look at
how different you looked as a baby and know that someday
your kids will look a lot different then that too.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Day 15-IPod Shuffle


Today I am suppose to put my Ipod on shuffle and list the first 10 songs that play,
and then list what I think about when I hear the songs. Since my Ipod is filled with
many interesting picks I think this could be fun...But since it is day 15 I'm gonna
do the first 15 songs on my IPOD....enjoy!

1. My love- Justin Timberlake( this is a song Rashaan and I sing to each other)
2. Survivor- Destiny's Child(this is one of my favorite workout songs)              
3. Beauty-Dru Hill(this was the song Rashaan and I danced to at our wedding)
4. Iris- Goo Goo Dolls(this song makes me think of Buffalo)                           
5. Unanswered Prayers- Garth Brooks(I'm where I should be and thank god for that)
6. Let's Get married remix-Jagged Edge(this song is that I blast as loud as I can)
7. Check on it- Beyonce(this song makes me want to dance, one of my ringtones)
8. Put it on me-JaRule ft vita(this was the first song that Rashaan dedicated to me)
9. Unbreak my heart- Toni Braxton(this song rocks...even if it is a sad song)         
10. Living on a Prayer- Bon Jovi(this makes me think of family-we'll make it I swear)
11.Slide- Goo Goo Dolls(Another one that makes me think of B-Lo)
12. Live like you where dieing- Tim Mcgraw(this song makes me want to be a better person)
13.I'd do anything for love- Meatloaf(this has been one of my favorite songs ever)
14. He wasn't man enough- Toni Braxton(dedicated to someone who thought I was sweating my ex)
15. Bonnie &Clyde 03- JayZ and Beyonce(Rashaan and I call this one of our songs)

Told you that my IPOD had a good mix of songs!!! Hope you enjoy some of these
songs too...I know I have!!!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Day 14- A picture of you and your family

This is my family!!!
As you can see my families look very different. Can you guess which of these
familes I was born into???

My Jordan family is very special to me! The queen being my mother in law.
She's a very sweet and caring woman. She and I have some very indepth
conversations, abou tall kinds of wonderful things and all kinds of difficult
 situations. It is wonderful to know that I can talk to her about things.
My brother in laws (Ahmad and Turhan) are two of the funniest and most
 intelligent people I know! They are brillant in what they do, extremely talented and
 very hard working. It is a blessing to have them in my life.As you can see from
 the picture I have two nephews as well. Ezell and Kenai. They are both wonderful
 kids(although Ezell will be graduating high school soon). They are bothunique in
 their own little way and they each have something that makes them
both special. Ezell is very creative and a musican and heart.
 Kenai is a lot like his dad and pretty athletic!

As we move to my other family you should know that in this photo my step sisters
 Jen and Jessica,as well as my nephew and niece are missing. I have 2 brothers.
 My brothersare something special. Like most siblings I can say that we don't
 always get along, thatbeing said Matt and Karl are both hardworking
 and caring people. They arealways doing what they can to be good Uncles
 to my kids. In this photo are the kids "Aunts"we put a quote around them
because they aren't married to my brothers but they are in the process and have
 been around for a long time....Sherry and Maria are two wonderful girls that my
kids love to be around. They both love the kids like they are their own nieces and
 nephews and for that I am grateful.

My mom and stepdad are in this picture as well. I am so blessed to have my mom
in my life. I am very close to her. When I say my stepdad I should add that he is
 more like a dad to me than a stepdad. The kids call him "Papa" and he's been a
 part of our lives since right after Malik was born. My stepdad is one of the most
open hearted and giving peoplethat I know and he's always doing what he can to
 help someone out.

Now on to the last part of my family and that is "my family". My husband and my
kids! They are my life. Everyday I wake up they are the first thing I think about
and every single day I go to bed they are the last thing I think about. I'm not much
of a party person. I don't go out with my girls, I don't go on girls trips, I hang out
with my family. My husband and my kids are my world. Some people would say
that is an unhealthy attachment, but I disagree. I enjoy being with them and I don't
want to be away from them....

My family is my world and I am grateful for that!!!!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Day 13-A letter to someone I think about a lot

This one is going to be a little difficult. This one is to my grandma Krauss. She passed away on Aug 4, 2005 and I miss her so much every single day! Here is the last photo I have with her and I can tell you that she is so much a part of my soul!!!


I think about you a lot lately. Whenever I'm in the kitchen I see you standing there cooking and the warmth you brought to this house. I can't believe it will be 6 years since you where taken home to be with Grandpa. So many times I replay the conversations we had, about how you missed grandpa and about how you hated being alone. I never really understood that much until recently when I started spending a lot of time away from Rashaan.

I think about the day that dad told me you died. I had just gotten home from the hospital with the twins. Due to the complications I didn't come to see you laid to rest and I regret that decision ever single day of my life. I often find myself crying because I didn't say goodbye. I didn't get to tell you one last time how much I loved that is part of what this letter is for.

Not a single day goes by that I don't hear your voice talking to me...telling me how much you and grandpa love me. How proud of me you are. I remember when I saw you at the wedding, seeing you as I walked in made me cry. I cried because I knew you where so proud of me. I remember how you beamed with pride at seeing me, become a family of my own.

So many times I have looked at this picture of us. It was unfortunately the last time I got to see you. You never got to hold you're great grandkids, life kept me too busy and I regret not getting there to see you and let you see them. I know you are holding them now and I know that you are with me every single day but I honestly wish that for just one minute I could hug you again!!!

Until our paths cross again though, pictures and memories are what I have to get me through. My head is full of moments of you and grandpa and I hope as my years progress and my life moves on that those memories will stay with me forever.

Since this is now my chance to say goodbye I will end with I love you and I am so proud to be your grandaughter. You taught me more about love than anyone I know and I am a better person because of you. You are always in my heart and always in my soul!!!

Until we meet again,

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Day 12- How I found out about blogger and why I started one

How I found out about blog....Well one day I was looking at a
friends page. She posted the link to her blog and since the title was
A coaching life by a Coach's wife.....
Obviously for those of you that now me that's a portion of my life

I'm a college football coach's wife! For the 10+ years that I have been with
my husband I have been engulfed in the football world. A college coach
is a full time job, at the lower levels they work 80+ hours a week and the pay....
It isn't anywhere close to the big guy salary...

But I digress....On that particular day I was reading her blog about a recent
 move from one state to another. As I was reading I realized that I too had lots
 of things I wanted to share.So that next day I decided to start my own blog.
 The firstcouple of posts reflectedthe feelings that I had about life, friends,
 people I am around. As I looked around more I decided to add more
 about my personal self. So I added this 30 day challenge!!!!

I hope that my blogging inspires people as much as the blog my friend wrote
inspired me. Since I got two more people to start blogs I think I did a good job!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Day 11-Another photo of me and my friend

This is me and my bestfriend! I am lucky because my bestfriend is also my cousin...
As long as I can remember she has been a special person in my life. I remember when I was a kid that I wanted to be just like her. She's 4 years older than me and I wanted to be like her in all ways.

She's always been someone I can go to for anything. She's been someone that can hold my hand and will listen withouth being judgemental, trust me in my family that's big deal. I remember being a kid and having a sleepover in her room, how we use to just talk and laugh about stupid stuff...I give her credit too because she never once got annoyed by me bugging her, although she did nickname me bug???

She is my bestfriend and for most of my life the closest female relative that I had. People have asked me before if she is my sister because we look similar and I always have to say she isn't my sister by blood but she is my sister by love.

It's such a special thing to have a person in my life as wonderful and loving as she is and I miss her so much more than anyone can know. See she lives in Kentucky and I live in NY and those miles are so much more than just hundreds...they mean we only see each other once a year and that is far too little for someone I love so much....

Day 10-Songs I listen to

Okay so day 10 says to use songs I listen to when....

I'm happy....That would be..
Crazy In Love by Beyonce
How can this song not make you's the ringtone on my phone
"Got me looking so crazy right now."

I'm sad....That would be
Unbreak my heart by Toni Braxton
This song makes me be able to cry when I'm sad.
"Uncry these tears I've cryed so many nights"

I'm bored....That would be
Yeah by Usher
This song makes me want to dance....gotta love Usher
"Yeah, Yeah,Yeah"

I'm hyped....That would be
Lose Yourself by Eminem
If you where not hyped before you heard this you will be.
."If you only had one moment...would you capture it."

I'm mad......That would be
You don't know me by T.I.
This is the song I stick to when people judge me without knowing
"You don't know me"

Day 9-Something I'm proud of in the last few days

Something that I'm proud of in the last few days.
I am proud of ........

I'm proud of my good grades in college. I  love being back in school but it is very hard. I decided to tak 16 credit hours this semester. I did it because I wanted to cut down the number of years that I will be in school. So I am taking 4 classes at one time. My professor told me that is like a full time job and trust me it has been so far.
I have done very well. I've gotten some grades that aren't perfect(in the 80's) but I am proud of myself because I have done the best I can do. I'm doing well overall. Mostly all A's. I'm staying on top of the enormous coursework.
I am hoping that as my classes progress that I will be able to do just as well as I have now. I know that this will be an incredible challenge for me. It isn't easy to be a mom and a college student. I've got other things on my mind, like finding a house and moving, but I have been really working hard to keep myself on task and to remind myself that this is all for a good reason.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Day 8-Short term goals for the month

What do I hope to accomplish by the end of this month????? This shouldn't be too hard since I actually have a premade list of things that need to get done this month...most people think that I am not very organized(becasue I'm not a neat freak in my house) but I actually do have a pretty established system for getting stuff done.... So here is a list of some of the things I need to get done this month.......

1. Get an apartment/house secured for us to move into. We are trying to be patient and find something that fits our needs but we do need to find something soon. It has been a little frutstrating because the couple of places that we have called have waiting lists for the 3 bedroom units that we need. I just hope we can find something soon...

2. Celebrate Malik's 8th Birthday. It's hard to believe that my baby will be 8 this year. Doesn't seem possible that he is that old already. Where have the last 8 years gone. Most of it is a blur. He's been such a good trooper about how much we've had to move and he's very sweet. I want to make him feel very special this year. Hopefully I can plan something very very special for him.

3. Get Makiah to sit through a professional photo and maybe(dare I say it) get an updated family photo taken. Anyone with kids knows how hard it is to get all of them looking at the camera at the same time...I need a family photo though so I am going to attempt to get this done.

4. Various school assignments that are due this month. I have a lot of school work that is due this month and several research projects. I don't remember college involving this much work when I attempted it the first time....All I know is that I have lots to do in that

5. Start packing, sorting and downsizing stuff. I am not really a packrat...I don't keep a lot of stuff. I do however like most people have more stuff than I need. I am attempting to declutter our lives. I'm trying to minimalize our clothing(this is proving to be a challenge). I'm also trying to see what needs to be thrown out because its useful life has passed.

6.Plant some spring flowers...Since I live in WNY this is going to depend more on Mother Nature ending this impossibly long winter and allowing me to be able to plant some flowers. I can't wait for the pretty colors that accompany the vibrant flowers.

7.Kick up my workout routine. I've been slacking a little because of the getting use to school thing so I have to try to kick up the routine a little bit. I'm going to enjoy getting back to being healthier. I'm trying to get myself ready for the summer season....

This is a little bit of some of the list that I want to accomplish this month!!!! Hopefully I will have a productive and lucky month....Then I can get everything done I need to!!!!