Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Day 17- Someone you'd want to switch lives with for one day

This one is pretty easy for me, since I admire this person a lot. The person I'd like to switch lives with for one day is Michelle Obama...
Why did I pick Michelle Obama? Well besides being married to a very good looking man, at least I think he is, she is a super intelligent woman. I love the fact that she worked hard, took out student loans and has made something of herself. I like that fact that she still advocates for the poor and those that need help. I love the fact that she is a huge supporter of healthier children and that she is a pretty attentive mother. I love the fact that she is into organic gardening and that she is very much in favor of play and exercise for children. Michelle Obama also seems like the type of woman that will speak her mind when she can.

I'd like to be First Lady for a day. I know how hard it can be to listen to people criticize the person you love and I would like to see how she handles it. I would love to be able to go into the White House and enjoy the beauty that surrounds me. I'd love to be able to call down to the chef and have them bring me everything that I want to eat. I'd love to go to a designer and pick out the best clothes and know that I'd probably get them for free because after all I'm the first lady.

I think it would be interesting to see how that world feels. I'd like to know that I have a law degree and that people think I'm really smart. I'd like to be recognized as someone who is taking a stand for healthier children and for more support for our military families....

But like I said at the beginning the best part would be that I'd get to be with the president and I would like to know what he's really like when all the cameras are gone and when its just him and the family. I'd like to see what kind of a person he really is.

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