Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Day 12- How I found out about blogger and why I started one

How I found out about blog....Well one day I was looking at a
friends page. She posted the link to her blog and since the title was
A coaching life by a Coach's wife.....
Obviously for those of you that now me that's a portion of my life

I'm a college football coach's wife! For the 10+ years that I have been with
my husband I have been engulfed in the football world. A college coach
is a full time job, at the lower levels they work 80+ hours a week and the pay....
It isn't anywhere close to the big guy salary...

But I digress....On that particular day I was reading her blog about a recent
 move from one state to another. As I was reading I realized that I too had lots
 of things I wanted to share.So that next day I decided to start my own blog.
 The firstcouple of posts reflectedthe feelings that I had about life, friends,
 people I am around. As I looked around more I decided to add more
 about my personal self. So I added this 30 day challenge!!!!

I hope that my blogging inspires people as much as the blog my friend wrote
inspired me. Since I got two more people to start blogs I think I did a good job!

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