Friday, January 6, 2012

Looking down on others

Okay. So I have to be honest. I am pretty sick of seeing the endless
posts that say stuff like:

Here...let me tick some people off...Did you get drug tested today? Thank you Florida, Kentucky, and Missouri, which are the first states that will require drug testing when applying for welfare. Some people are crying and calling this unconstitutional. How is this unconstitutional? It's OK to drug test people who work for their money but not those who don't?… Re-post this if you'd like to see this done in all 50 states. I just did!! I totally agree it should be mandatory!!!"

It really really bothers me to no end that people are so busy looking down
on other people because they feel that they are getting an unfair hand out, or as
some people like to say an "entitlement".

This bothers me on two ends. One is because when my husband lost his job we
usedfood stamps and I had more than one time when I almost had to get in a
 fight with someone because they assumed that I was someone that abused the
system. The second reason this really gets to me is because people claim to be
Christians yet they fail to follow the one thing that Jesus held more closely to
 him, The Golden rule!

If you make enough money to provide for your family a comfortable living then
 you can most certainly afford the "tax" that you lose to the government to help
 others. If you can eat without going hungry, then you should not be worried
 about what the person on food stamps does. After all aren't your basic needs
 meet, aren't you able to eat and drink and have shelter.

If you are blessed enough to have a job(over 8.6% of Americans do not) then
 be glad that you don't have to look for a job and deal with the issues that those
that do not have a job have.

Many people complain about paying high taxes to support people that don't
 do anything. Yes, it would be nice if we could keep every penny that we earn
but if that was the case then we would not have roads, or safe housing, or
schoolsor post offices, or police or librarys, or even safe food. All of these
 things exist because of tax revenue from taxpayers.

My point is that people complain and complain, look down and blame those
 under themfor the fact that they can't afford to do what they want in life, or
that they can't afford to take that vacation, or put in that bigger pool, or any of
 a million other things that are not absolute needs in this life.

I choose to look at it this way, Jesus put me on this earth to spread the love. He
 wanted me to share what I could with everyone. Not just those that looked,
 acted and did the things that I did. He wanted me to love the people that aren't
 easy to loveand to help the people that needed it, whether or not they deserve it
 in my eyes. If more people followed this point can you imagine how beautiful this
 life would be.


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