Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The miracle of childbirth

A little disclaimer first** THIS BLOG IN NO WAY IS A HINT THAT I

Ok now that this part is out of the way I will get started. It seems everywhere
I look lately someone is pregnant, just had a baby or is trying to get pregnant.
I am amazed at how different each persons experience is and how the stress
of the situation is handled differently.

For me getting pregnant was easy. I didn't even have to try to get pregnant.
My pregnancies where all unplanned. I had very little issues with the pregnancies,
carried my children to full term and besides some anemia issues I did pretty
 well.I managed to carry twins to full term and if I hadn't been unlucky enough to
 have Medicaid for my pregnancy with Makiah(I feel bad for people who have to
 use that as their health insurance) I would have had all of them through vaginal

For me pregnancy was easy, but for many people it is not. I have several friends
that have had to go through IVF or other ways to get pregnant. I've had several
 friends that have had miscarriages and disappointments. I've had some friends
 that have delivered babies before 30 weeks.

Lots of people talk about colors, clothes, parties, names and being ready for baby
 to come out. I have to admit I got to that point at each of my pregnancies. How
easy it was to forgot the miracles that where taking place in my body. How this
little person was growing, developing, and creating a new part in my life with each
passing moment.

Recently a good friend of mine suffered a miscarriage. She suffers from infertility
 issues and had been trying to get pregnant for awhile. She was 17 weeks when
she miscarried and had just seen her baby for the first time the day before. She
 was devastated and has been blogging about her experience. The feelings she
has about the whole situation. The anger she feels toward her own body, the
way that she has struggled with deciding if she is ready to start trying again. All
of these questions are things that she has struggled with.

Reading her blog and talking to her I realize just how lucky I was to have
the 5 children I do with such ease. Some days, especially as they get older
I forget about those moments and start to complain about not having money,
not going on a honeymoon, not being able to do things. Then I realize just
how much work I did to create them and I smile a little more and say thanks
to my stretch mark rippled belly for all it did to produce 5 miracles.

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