Friday, October 21, 2011


Mom-Esteem(n.)-respect for or feeling good about the choices
one makes as a Mother

 From the moment the kids sit down at the breakfast
table(cereal or hot homemade breakfast and don't get me started
on the sugar and dyes), to the minute they go to bed(is 9pm too late)
I am constantly presented with the opportunity to judge my own
choices and try to decide if I am doing the "right" thing.

As a mom we have the added benefit of "mommy" friends that we
compare ourselves to at every single minute. Sometimes the worst
thing that we can do as a mom is talk to our friends about what they
do or how they do it.

The mom that tells you she homeschools her kids(OMG, you must
have the patience of a saint to be able to do that) . The mom that
says she feeds her kids only organic foods(Do they make organic
cheetos?). The mom that tells you she only lets the kids watch 1 hour
of TV a week(That reminds me I should really look into purchasing stock
in Disney and Nickleodeon). These are all people that we will compare
ourselves too.

The thing is that no matter how much "research" you do, or how many
times you tell people about how much you think it is the right choice, it
is only your choice. My choice to have my children attend a pretty good
public school(Can you imagine what the unemployment rate would look
like if no one sent their kids to school?),  indulge in a non organic food, or
watch TV when they want(it goes off for dinner and homework) doesn't
make me any less effective as a parent as you are.

The thing I have learned is that we all pick our battles. Those things that
we stake our Momfidence on. Those things that we believe are essential
in making our kids productive members of a future society. We want to
give them a healthy start. But come on generations of children grew up
eating the occasional hotdog, french fry and soda. Generations of children
have survived in public schools, lots of kids have watched TV and been
able to function properly.

So the word Mom-esteem means that you know you are doing what is
best for your family. When someone tells you that it isn't how they would
do it you look at them and say "It's what works for us." You don't feel
the need to post cartoons or links to things that criticize people for making
arguments against it. Honestly that shows you probably aren't as comfortable
with your choice as you say.

So here is to a high Mom-esteem and next time you want to question or
"preach" about other peoples choices then you should think about why you
do what you do and then back up and wait for someone to ask for your

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