Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The best laid plans....

"The best laid plans of mice and men often go arie"

That isn't a bad thing though. In my opinion the true test of a
person is how we react to things when they don't go the way
that we planned them. Are we prepared to move forward and
get the best results out of the rest of the time we have.

I think of this every week when I see my husband working on
the game plan for the week. He's feverishly trying to figure
out which plays to put in and which plays to use that will stop
the other team from scoring. On Saturday he starts playing and
it only takes a couple of missed plays and it would seem that it
would be time to give up.

Those of you that know football know that it is more a game of
committment than of actual game. I'm not implying that skill is not
needed but you'd be amazed at how well people who believe in
themselves can play even when the skill isn't always present.

I often hear my husband tell the players that it doesn't matter how
many times the offense gives up the ball, or how many plays that
the defense has to play. Each time the defense has to go out there
and believe that they can do it.

If they give up on the entire game after a couple of bad plays
then that wouldn't be much of a game. The same can be said
of life, if we give up on our goal after a couple of seemingly
hard failures than we'd be giving up in the first quarter of
our "game".

How many times has a team made an amazing comeback?
How many times have we seen a team throw a last
minute touchdown or make that goal-line stop to win
the game. The team didn't make an amazing comeback
because they gave up on the goal. Infact they actually did what
I think few people think about. They believed that they could
do it and they made the changes necessary to get it done.

Life is much the same way. If you want something then just
because you can't accomplish it in the first half of your game
doesn't mean that you can't do it in the 3rd quarter. I'm living
proof of that. I am finishing my bachelor's degree in my 30's.
I never gave up on that dream, even though I had to leave school
twice because the timing was off I kept making it a priority
and eventually got to the point where it was something that I
could accomplish!

So just like in football, things will not go the way that we
expected or planned them to go, but if we make the correct
adjustments we have the chance of making our goals into
a win!!!!

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