Thursday, October 27, 2011

Two roads diverged in a wood....

This is my favorite poem of all time! "I took the one less traveled by, and that
has made all the difference." We all come to points in our lives, on a daily basis
where we must chose which path to take. As the famous Yogi Berra said "When
 you come to a fork in the road take it."

Thinking about it you may laugh at first. Well of course you have to take it, but
if you think about it I think its more about take the fork in the road and don't
look back.One of my favorite lines in the poem is "Oh I kept the first for
another day! Yet knowing how way leads on to way, I doubted that I should
ever come back."

Choosing a path to take can be easy and hard, some of lifes choices seem simple
(Should I eat a Cheeseburger or chicken sandwhich for lunch?) Some of
them are tougher( Should I quit my job for this other opportunity?) I think most
 people would see that choosing them can lead you down a different path.

Like the poem says "way leads on to way." Our lives are the sum total of our
choices. We don't get the chance to take the path that we didn't choose the 
 first time. We are never in the same position we once held. As the paths add
 up we find ourselves pulled in a direction.Sometimes away from the first path.
 The path chosen leads on to a new set of paths. Each with new choices and
 new chances.

Sometimes our paths aren't that much different from where we want to be but
 like the road sometimes the detour leads us to a chance to do something
different. In my early college years I wanted to be an elementary school teacher.
 I never could have imagined that at 30 I would be still in college. The choice to
get married and have children in my early 20's, certainly is not that common of a
choice now(at least among the people I know).

My life is the sum of my choices. I won't graduate from college, with my bachelor
degree anyway,until I am 32 or 33. I never did have a wild and crazy 20's
(although I don't really think that I missed much). I made choices that altered my
 path in so many ways fromwhat I thought it would be, but I took the road less
traveled and that has made me the person I am today.

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